Concurrent Program Status In Oracle Apps
Now I discuss with you How to Create a Concurrent Program in Oracle Apps. Lakshmi narayana stotram in telugu. We Create a concurrent program which execution method is PL/SQL Stored Procedure.
Oracle Apps/EBS Training, Java Concurrent Programs in Oracle. Why the need for java concurrent program when we can write pl/sql concurrent programs? You can either change the CLASSPATH of the Oracle Apps environment or you can override the CLASSPATH per concurrent program. I think the decision will be driven by how many Java Concurrent.
Step 1:- First we create a stored procedure in database. Ex:- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE XXC_HELLO_PROC ( ERRBUFF OUT VARCHAR2, RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,’HELLO ORACLE’); END XXC_HELLO_PROC; ERRBUFF and RETCODE are the mendetory parameter. Compile that procedure in database. Step 2:- Now we create login Oracle Apps. Step 3:- Select the Application Developer Responsibility. Step 4:- Open the Executable Form Navigation:- Application Developer Responsibility -> Concurrent -> Executable Step 5:- a) Give the name of Executable(Which is Display for User). B) Give the short name of Executable(for Back end).
C) Chose Application Name in which we want to register these Executable(we select “Work in Process”). D) Give Description(Its is not mandatory field). E) Chose Execution method Name from LOV.
(we select PL/SQL Stored Procedure) f) Give the procedure name in Execution File Name field. Step 6:- Open the Concurrent Program Form Navigation:- Application Developer Responsibility -> Concurrent -> Program Step 7:- a) Give the Concurrent Program Name(Which is Display for User). B) Give the short name of Program(for Back end). C) Chose Execution method Name from LOV. (we select “Work in Process”) d) Give the Executable Short name in Executable name,which is created in above step. Step 8:- Go to System Administrator Responsibility Navigation:- System Administrator Responsibility -> Security -> Responsibility -> Request Step 9:- Attach those Concurrent program in your request group.
A) In name field give the concurrent program name and save it. Step 10:- Select our responsibility which is assign on our user. Step 11:- Now we submit our Concurrent program.
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Click on View from menu bar then click on request. Click on Submit a New Request button,select Single Request then press Ok button. Give Concurrent program Name, press Submit Button.Press No and find. Now we see our concurrent program in SRS window. Step 12:- See Output Click on View output button and see Output “HELLO ORACLE”.
Concurrent Program In Oracle Apps
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